Since 2006, April 11 has been celebrated as National Pet Day. National Pet Day has been recognized as a time to celebrate the joy that pets bring to our hearts. It has also been a day to help create public awareness regarding homeless animals in rescues and shelters awaiting their forever homes. The unconditional love and loyalty that our pets give us is something that can never be replicated or replaced. National Pet Day is a time to celebrate our furry family members and help those in need.
Celebrating National Pet Day can be a super enjoyable experience for the entire family. Share photos of your pets with friends and family as well as all of your social media. Make sure to use the hashtag #NationalPetDay. Visit a local shelter to donate time, supplies, or even adopt a new furbaby! You can also help those in need to buy supplies, pet food or even donate to a vet hospital to pay for healthcare. Recognizing the importance of pets in our lives and helping those in need is the foundation of National Pet Day. Make sure to celebrate with your family to make change in your community and help spread the word of the importance of pets and their roles in our lives.
Having pets helps families live healthier lives. It helps us relieve stress, stay fit, and they help keep us company. Cats, dogs, reptiles, farm animals, birds, or even fish all have important places in the family unit. The human animal bond is a friendship unlike any other. Pets offer love without any judgment and they provide us with a sense of security and comfort. How many cars have you been behind and noticed a stick figure family on the back windshield that has an animal included in their family unit? Almost every single one!